
Observations by Doug Allan…

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Movie Round-up

So as I like to say - I have two seasons. Bike riding and movie watching…
Here's some of the decent stuff I've seen lately.

Really good.

Diablo Cody - localish girl done well on the screen play. She tells the story of selling the script here. Supposedly written in the Starbucks at the Crystal Target while she worked at City Pages. Filmed in Canada. Takes place in MN. Even mentions Mankato.

The Namesake
Kumar doesn't grows up in NY with a crazy Indian name. Highjinks ensue.

Mad Men
Ok not a movie, but better than most everything coming from Hollywood. Writer from the Sopranos did it up right, 1959, ad agency NYC. Really good series on AMC, rented it off iTunes.

My backup after Netflix, $1 cheapy rentals everywhere.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Google Calendar is my Friend

Pretty decent web-based shared calendar for the whole family.

With the little one - makes scheduling sitters, work, bills a snap.

Highly recommend it along with Gmail. I have all but given up my POP client in favor of this webmail. Heck why not use their servers instead of my hard drive. Their spam filtering is way better than Yahoo and I can route ALL my e-mail through them with these features. Sick.

Good Blogs

Signal vs. Noise
A List Apart

Cool HP and Burton Thingy

Neat. I went to the Burton HQ about 10 years back - even then they were big.
Looks like things have grown even more.
I know this whole microsite is an ad for HP - but still cool.

Charlie Miller: Designer, Photographer, Teacher, Flash Coder

I've been going to the Minnesota Flash Users group meetings off/on for a while. They meet the third Wednesday of each month at Easel Training in St. Paul

They had a great speaker last month, Charlie Miller a young guy with a Phd that teaches interactive design at the U of M. His company is and they have a lot of nice Flash modules that they give away the FLA code on their site. Great transitions and interfaces. Pretty inspiring stuff.

He is also a really good photographer. and his interest in Flash leans towards constantly improving interface designs, especially for artist galleries.

Two of the nicer ones he designed and programmed are:
Japanese photographer

And this painter

He also touched on this cool piece of code that is free